
V2I Traffic Light Demonstrator (vehicle-to-infrastructure communication)

Embedded Computing Master @ Munich University of Applied Science MUAS

Paper and project for SKILL 2017 @ Leipzig University

Project webpage

Project webpage



Use cases

Use cases

Source code

Source code

Raspberry / Traffic Light Application

Steps for building the traffic light application:

  1. (Get a Debian based host system, we used Ubuntu 16.04)
  2. Get the Linaro toolchain for ARM gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf
  3. Extract it somewhere
  4. Look into the build script Raspberry_App/toolchain-build/cross-compile-libs.sh
  5. It has no error checking, so it’s not meant to be run as a whole.
  6. Adjust the parameters at the beginning according to your system and run the commands one by one.
  7. You should now have a Raspbian image in /tmp. Store it somewhere, where it won’t get deleted
  8. Use Raspberry_App/toolchain-build/mount-raspbian.sh to mount it
  9. Use CMake for building:
    cd Raspberry_App/TrafficLight
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/path/to/rpi-toolchain.cmake" -D PIROOT="/path/to/rasp-pi-rootfs" -D TOOLCHAIN="/path/to/gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf" ..

Statemachine Raspberry App


Android App / Interacting with Traffic Light Application

Android App screenshot

